
Individual therapy targets improving the overall functioning of the consumer while decreasing the symptoms that prompted a referral to treatment. CAA takes a family-centered approach to intervention, so we make every effort to engage families in therapy, particularly with young children and adolescent clients. Individual therapy targets improving the overall functioning of the consumer while decreasing the symptoms that prompted a referral to treatment.

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Donec molestie mi quis fringilla facilisis. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam sed turpis velit. In congue, ipsum sit amet fermentum ultrices, nunc dui imperdiet tortor, ut consectetur risus lectus vitae nunc. Phasellus finibus dignissim tincidunt. Aenean dapibus quis felis non varius. Nullam elementum nisl nec arcu congue auctor. Pellentesque vulputate rutrum magna, eget rutrum massa tristique nec.